Thursday, February 4, 2010


Don't you hate it when you schedule an appointment with a company (i.e. gas) for a representative to come out and check your meter or whatever it is to make a house call, and then you're expected to stay home all day because they'll get to your house "between the hours of 11 and 6" and they always come right at the end of their given time frame?  Well, I do, and I call bullshit.  Obviously I'm unemployed, so it really doesn't matter if I sit around my house all day, but what if I want to go to the gym? Or to get lunch? Or go to yoga? Or go see a movie? Or just go somewhere so I don't have to sit in my house?  Why do these companies get to determine what I get to do or don't get to do during my day because you're too "busy" to give me an exact time at which you will be here?  It's so frustrating.

Now that my ranting is over (and thanks for sticking with me), I want to tell you how much prettier I feel when my nails are polished and my skin is tan.  Polished nails give me more confidence because, let's be honest, un-polished nails are ugly (on girls, not on guys - that's just wrong), and it also makes me feel more delicate.  I'm pretty rough on my hands, so the color on my nails reminds me that I need to act more like a lady.  And obviously being tan makes me feel warmer because it reminds me of summer, which is my favorite season.  =)

Lately I've been thinking of things that I want to accomplish before I die, which is strange since I'm only 23.  But it's better to start a bucket list now than remembering all these things I wanted to do throughout my life when it's too late because I'm on my deathbed.  Here are some of the events that I hope to experience in my life:

-go skydiving
-go bungee jumping
-ride in a hot air balloon
-ride in a helicopter
-learn to/become a certified SCUBA diver
-go on an African safari
-get married
-birth a child (or several)
-go whale watching
-go on a cruise
-travel the world (this includes: Europe [UK, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany, etc.], Alaska, Central/South America, Africa, Asia, India, Australia (again), New Zealand
-own an SLR camera
-write (and possibly publish) a novel
-star in a movie
-go to the Olympics (as a spectator)
-earn $1,000,000 (legally, of course)
-own multiple properties
-run a marathon (or compete in a triathlon)

...And the list goes on.  I didn't want to share all of my aspirations with you in one post!
Here is the Photo of the Day for Thursday, February 4th:
Story:  This is our puppy, Preston.  These pictures were taken this past November when he was only about 4 months old.  The second picture is of him tied to his little leash in the backyard, and he clearly hates it.  I was laughing so hard when I took it because he walked as far as he could and instead of moving so his neck wasn't being pulled, he sat there looking so uncomfortable and sad.  He's such a silly puppy.  Over Christmas he was beginning to lose his puppy teeth, and he actually spit one out onto my hand at one point when we were playing.  I, of course, was disgusted, while he just looked at me, smiling, and wagging his tail.  By next month, the vet said that he's going to be 75 pounds, and probably still as clumsy.  I love him so much, and he literally is the coolest dog I've ever known! I miss you, Preston! =)

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