Saturday, October 10, 2009

Things that bother me. Don't worry, though. I'm not always this negative.

One of my classes I was forced to take junior year was all about children's literary development and focused mostly on writing.  We were required to keep a journal that we had to write in like 3 times a week or something.  I don't really remember, but it was annoying nonetheless.  So, with these journals, we were supposed to write entries that were in the format of different writing techniques (which we eventually would utilize with our students in the classroom - see, it's all connected).  One technique, the easiest of them all, and the one that I happened to use way too frequently, was the "List" technique (or format... whatever).  It also is the only one that that I can really remember, aside from just a normal "Dear Journal ... Love, Self" type of thing.  Because of this, I will share a blog entry in this format.

Things That Bother Me: (oh, and with the list format, you always had to implement some sort of title in order to inform the reader [who was pretty much always just yourself] what this list was supposed to be about)

Things That Bother Me:
-Cold weather
-Poor grammar, both written and spoken
 --this includes especially when people use the wrong there/their/they're, your/you're, its/it's and when there are commas and apostrophes just thrown into sentences and words when the word should not be used in its (not it's, since that means "it is") possessive form.  How do people who have graduated from, oh I don't know, 8th grade, still not know the correct form of these words?  It's like, "Excuse me, sir?  You're (you are) 37.  Are you serious right now?  I hate you so much and you look like a huge idiot, just so you know."  And I could actually go on with this one, but there's no use.  People will continue to be ignorant and look so effing stupid that they are (they're) beyond my help.
-When people tell me or give me shit about my room not being neat and tidy.  You don't have to live in it, so shut the hell up and let me live in my cluttered room.  Clearly I'm fine with it.
-When it rains and people associate that with snow so they drive like morons and go 10 UNDER the speed limit.  Are you kidding me?
-When I'm driving and my mom is in the passenger seat.  I never hear the end of how horrible of a driver I am and how she's surprised that I haven't rear ended more cars.  Shut up, Mom.  I don't criticize the way you drive, even though I really could.
-Mafia Wars.  Yeah, that stupid game on Facebook.  I was pretty much forced to play it, and now I can't stop because it's so addicting.  It also bothers me that strangers attack me for no effing reason, therefore causing more people to attack me because I've died like 15 times and I've lost over 200 fights while I've only won about 50.  Yeah, it's embarrassing, I know.
-When people use the word "retarded" to describe someone or something in a negative way.  Do I need to go on with this one?  Didn't think so, jerks.
-Winter.  Just the whole season in general, minus the choice holidays that happen to occur during this season.
-When people don't understand or appreciate my awesome use of sarcasm.  I'm sorry that you have a terrible sense of humor.
-When people's closets aren't color coded.  How do you know where anything is if it's all over the place color wise?
-That I have the worst time trying to keep my car clean.  It's so awful and I just hate myself for that.
-That I still live at home.  Don't even get me started on how much I wish I had enough money to move out right now!
-Jon Gosselin.
-High schoolers who feel the incessant need to binge drink all the time.  You're not cool and you'll probably get fat before you get to college.
-Models.  Why are they so tall? (see previous post re: tall models and small shoes)
-Sales tax in Illinois, especially Cook County.  RIDICULOUS!
-The fact that people always talk about the size of my butt.  Yes, it's big (and fricken perfect) but leave me alone about it.

Ew, it's time for me to go to work so I'm going to have to peace out.  Don't worry, though.  I might add to this later.

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