Friday, January 29, 2010

36 the number of days it has been since my last post.  I decided to take this brief hiatus from providing the public with my innermost thoughts and ramblings to allow myself to take a step back and figure things out.  And also to deal with an immense case of writer's block.  Like my fellow blogger, Jeff Wang (read: Wang... haha), I, too, have returned to the blogosphere more ready than ever to create some mind-blowing posts.

A lot can happen in 36 days.  For example: a cousin getting married; spending time with those rarely-seen family members (everybody's got some); Christmas/New Year's Eve; interviewing for an amazing position at an amazing company; not being hired for said position at said company; ending a long-term relationship; engaging in too many nights with lots of binge drinking (woops); visiting besties at IU; hating the current job; wanting more from life; etc...

The title of my blog, "Some Semblance of Sanity," if you've already forgotten, was wisely chosen with the help of another fellow blogger of mine, Vanessa Castellano (click this --> Tangent_City).  We both enjoy the occasional incorporation of alliteration, so why not use this literary device as the title for my blog?  I picked it because a) my life could be a little more sane, and b) all those s's remind me of snakes... and Severus Snape.

Obviously with my time off, I've conquered and triumphed over my hindering case of writer's block, hence me writing right now.  I have also decided to provide my audience, albeit presumably minute, with a photo of the day (taken by me because I've got some pretty decent skills) post, and, hopefully, a book of the week post.  Due to possible time constraints, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to do a weekly book post, but the photo post is completely doable.  Plus, that will make me get out and use my camera more than I have been as of late.  If you're wondering how I'm going to find all of these books to read, don't.  I went to this website that is so amazing and so perfectly simple; it is called The Book Seer, pronounced as "see-ur" (website here: BOOKS!), and all you do is put in the title and author of a book you've read and enjoyed, and, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, you've got a huge list of books with their authors that is brainstormed up from the title/author combination you just entered.  It seriously is so great, and I am so excited to start reading!  First up is Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert; I didn't get this book title from The Book Seer, though.  I've been wanting and needing to read this book ever since she was interviewed by Oprah.  =)

I'm out of here for tonight, but, as promised, here is my photo of the day:
Story: Max, my younger brother, and I were in our backyard, and this little man loves to garden, so he was watering plants and checking on his herbs (I know, stop it, he is too perfect).  He was so excited to show me this worm he found, and I completely adore this picture because of the dirt on his hands and how his hands are arranged.  I love this child with my whole life, and this picture just reminds me of how big his heart is, and how much he loves everything in the world. I hope you enjoy!

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